The Design Engineer's Guide to Selecting a Connector Grease

The number of electrical connectors and electronic circuits in devices such as cars, planes, appliances, industrial machinery, trucks and boats are continuously growing. Failure of these components, from short circuit to continuity loss, present a major concern as issues can vary from nuisance to increased warranty costs to critical safety problems. The constant exposure to moisture, corrosive environments, and vibration can accelerate the failure or malfunction of the electrical system and electronic controls of the vehicle. 


Printed Circuit Boards

Battery Terminals

USB Connectors

Nye Lubricants has a comprehensive line of connector greases formulated specifically to address application requirements for arcing, high temperature, environmental protection, fretting wear, and insertion force. We work directly with design engineers to form a partnership and assist with proper grease selection to ensure performance, avoid warranty claims and costly recalls.

The advantages of lubricating electrical components.

  • Extend functional life of components
  • Improve reliability of connections
  • Seal & protect from environmental elements
  • Prevent fretting wear & corrosion
  • Reduce insertion force
  • Insulate against electrical short circuits

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